The first Modern Regional Championship Qualifier (RCQ) at Boar’s Hat Gaming this year has now come and gone. Despite Nadu not being banned it only represented one deck at the event, and made second place. The first place deck however was Boros Energy piloted by Valerie Strong. Congratulations on the first place finish and best of luck at the Regional Championship.
Check out the winning deck list below:
Despite Dimir Murktide being the 10th most popular deck on MTG Goldfish for the 14 days leading up to the event it represented just under one third of the total decks at the event.
The most played creature was a new card from Modern Horizons 3: Psychic Frog
Top 8
With 7 different decks, the top 8 meta was quite diverse. This lead to some pretty interesting match ups.
Here are the rest of the top eight deck lists:
Tournament Reports
MTG Top 8: https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=58583&f=MO
Match Videos
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